Leave the main road SS45 bis near the bridge in Toscolano and drive into the Valle delle Cartiere. Leave the car at the parking lot and walk along the charming dirt road , pass the “Centro d’Eccellenza”(2) at Maina Inferiore and continue as far as the bridge at Maina Superiore, seat of the Trout Fishing Reserve. Turn left and go up along the path “Montagnoli – Bassa Via delGarda”; after the farmhouse and the artificial pond you reach the first lime kiln, which was restored by the Comunità Montana P.A.G.B. in the past years.
Going down to the left for about 100 mt. you reach the panoramic point from where you can enjoy a stunning view over the valley and Mount Castello. Go back to the kiln and take the cobbled path of the Ghidia (red and white trail sign) leading to another viewpoint over the valley. Go down the steep path to the left and keep to the left at the fork. The path goes up through an old ilex grove. You will get to the remains of an old lime kiln. Pass it and continue for about 200 mt. as far as the fork. You can go straight on from there to get a close view of the climbing wall, or just go down to the right and see another lime kiln. The old military road leading to Valvestino lies below the lime kiln.Take it on the left and you will reach a panoramic viewpoint from where you can admire the climbing wall, the bottom of the valley and Mount Pizzoccolo. Make your way back and continue downhill along the military road which takes to the bottom of the valley. After about 80 mt. take the steep path and walk as far as the small church of Luseti(3) and the Scout camp. Cross the picturesque wooden bridge over the river Toscolano and take the street skirting the river upstream. You will notice the ruins of several ancient mills(4) on the way.

1 These lime kilns were used in the past to produce lime by cooking the limestone quarried out from the local rocks.
2 Museum of the Paper on paper manufacturing. In 19 rooms situated in the basement, on the ground foor and on the first floor exhibit ancient machinery as well as historical documents.
Multimedia equipment in the rooms allow you to penetrate the world of paper. VALLE DELLE CARTIERE - GAINO
You will also see the pestles, the vats, the retting vats , the presses and the rooms where the sheets were dried, sized, glazed and stacked. Of particular interest is the room where a former worker of the papermill shows how a paper sheet was produced.
3 Tiny church dedicated to SS.Filippo and Giacomo, built in 1520.
4 Towards the end of the 19th c. the Valley of the Papermills still numbered about 20 plants, which included papermills, oil mills and ironwork forges.


TRAVEL: a piedi


DURATION: 3:30 ore

DISTANCE: 8.7 km



  •  Where we are: Via Trento, 5
         Toscolano Maderno (BS)
  •   Contact center : 0365546011
  •   PEC: certified mail
  • Rechtliche Hinweise

Opening time

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
    from 9.00 to 12.30 and from 14.30 to 16.00*
  • Wednesday and Friday from 9.00 to 12.30*
  • Saturday (Registry Office only) from 9.00 to 12.30.